Magdy S. Alabady, PhD, MSc

Faculty, Scientist, and Writer

Curriculum vitae

Department of Plant Biology

University of Georgia Athens

Address 1:
Department of Plant Biology
2502 Miller Plant Sciences
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Office: Room# 4504
Lab: Room# 4505

PBIO 3600l -- Fall 2024

Intensive Lab Course -- Genomics and Bioinformatics

This fall 2024, my intensive laboratory course (PBIO3660L) had an excellent cohort. An exceptional group of students. They were often motivated, respectful, eager to learn, and amusing. I have enjoyed every moment of class with them, despite attending from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM two days a week. I will miss them all, but I wish them the best in their future endeavors. Numerous individuals are poised to commence graduate programs, including medical and dentistry schools, as well as other health-related institutions. Presented below is a photograph of each individual showcasing various research concepts pertinent to their work. They acquired extensive knowledge on host-microbiome interactions and computational genomics methodologies. I was consistently excited to present new ideas and thoughts, as well as impart new skills. It was the most enjoyable experience I have had in years! 
Row1: Regan, Emily, Kimberly, Eliza
Row2: Diana, Jehee, Madeleine, Garrett
Row3: Wade, Madi, Elijah, Jillian
Row4: Jasper, Scott, Simms, Parker
Row5: Elizabeth & Emma, Elizabeth & Emma, Madison, Raegan
Row6: McKenzie, McCulloch, Brooke, Gracie

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