Magdy S. Alabady, PhD, MSc

Faculty, Scientist, and Writer

Curriculum vitae

Department of Plant Biology

University of Georgia Athens

Address 1:
Department of Plant Biology
2502 Miller Plant Sciences
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Office: Room# 4504
Lab: Room# 4505

The Forgotten Genome of Acetabularia (current)

From left to right: Acetabularia Acetabulum in its natural habitat, in a Petri dish in a growth chamber, isolated in a tube, and under a microscope.

, a unicellular marine alga, has been a classic model system for cellular and developmental biology due to its unique characteristics. This organism features a giant single-celled structure, which simplifies cellular imaging and manipulation. Additionally, Acetabularia exhibits intricate differentiation patterns, including the formation of a characteristic cap structure, which provides an excellent system to study cellular polarity and morphogenesis. Moreover, Acetabularia is rich in RNA content, making it an ideal model to explore the diverse roles of RNA in cellular processes.
We are interested in the following:
A)  RNA localization, stability, and trafficking in Acetabularia.
B)  The role of non-coding RNA in Acetabularia development and cellular processes.
C)  RNA regulatory networks in the cellular transport process in Acetabularia

Life History of Acetabularia (Dasycladales)

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